EF File Catalog Keygen 24.02 Full Free

EF File Catalog Keygen is a storage component integrated with Entity Framework that provides an object-relational mapping for SQL Server FileTables. With Full version crack EF File Catalog, you can work with files stored in FileTables through a clean, strongly-typed API as part of your normal DbContext.

What is EF File Catalog Keygen?

EF File Catalog Keygen enables you to easily incorporate file storage and management capabilities into Entity Framework applications using SQL Server. Specifically, it allows you to work with FileTables within your DbContext.

FileTables were introduced in SQL Server 2012 and allow you to store files and file metadata within a special type of table. FileTables appear as a directory and files to Windows applications but can be queried through T-SQL like a normal table.

EF File Catalog Free download builds upon FileTables and gives you a nice .NET API for performing queries and CRUD operations on the underlying files. So you get the scalability and querying abilities of a database with the features of a file system.

Key abilities provided by EF File Catalog include:

  • Mapping FileTables to strongly-typed .NET objects
  • Querying FileTables using LINQ alongside other tables
  • Managing metadata like properties and tags
  • Performing CRUD operations on files through DbContext
  • Streaming file contents for downloading and uploading
  • Handling concurrency conflicts on files
  • Automatically persisting files to the FileTable store

Overall, EF File Catalog makes it simpler to work with file data in your database through Entity Framework’s standard programming model.

Ef File Catalog Keygen

How EF File Catalog Integrates with DbContext

EF File Catalog Keygen registers FileTables with your DbContext derived class during configuration. This sets up the ability to query and manipulate the FileTables through DbSet properties.

Under the hood, EF File Catalog maps FileTables to three different .NET types:

  • FileTableDirectory – Represents a directory within the FileTable
  • FileTableFile – Represents a file stored in the FileTable
  • FileStreamBackedFile – Wraps a FILESTREAM for streaming file contents

When you query against a DbSet for files, it returns FileTableFile objects. You can then access the metadata like name, extension, and custom properties. To stream the file contents, you request a FileStreamBackedFile instance.

This provides a clean separation of metadata properties from file streaming while keeping everything within DbContext for simplicity.

See also:

Boris FX Silhouette Serial key 2023.5.4 Full Free

Walkthrough: Using EF File Catalog in an Application

Let’s go through an example to see how EF File Catalog might work in a real application.

First, when initializing DbContext, you register the FileTables:

// Download file contents
var streamFile = context.Documents.GetFileWithStream("Resume.docx");

using(var stream = streamFile.GetFileStream())
  // Download code here

As you can see, EF File Catalog enables seamlessly working with files stored in the database through Entity Framework!

Key Benefits of Using EF File Catalog

There are several notable benefits to using EF File Catalog:

  • No need for custom SQL/code – You work through DbContext instead of hand-coding SQL and file access.
  • LINQ querying – Find files using LINQ alongside other data.
  • Concurrency handling – Optimistic concurrency is built-in.
  • Metadata management – Automatically track file properties, tags, ratings.
  • Familiar EF programming model – Use what you already know about EF.
  • SQL Server integration – Leverage SQL Server’s capabilities like queries.
  • High performance – FileTables provide great scalability.

You get a very robust file storage and access solution without needing to stitch various pieces together.

When to Use EF File Catalog Keygen

Here are some of the top scenarios where EF File Catalog can help:

  • Storing large volumes of files in a SQL Server database
  • Building a document management system
  • Making files searchable through SQL queries
  • Simplifying file storage code compared to using filesystem/blobs

Any application that deals with potentially large files and metadata can benefit. The tight integration with SQL makes it superior for query-intensive systems.

EF File Catalog Keygen is also a good choice when you want to leverage Entity Framework’s strengths while using SQL Server for file tables.

See also:

DivX Pro Keygen 10.9.1 Full Free

Alternatives to EF File Catalog

There are other options for managing files in .NET applications:

  • The Windows file system with custom file access code
  • Azure Blob storage containers
  • Database BLOB columns with custom download/upload logic
  • Third-party .NET file management utilities

The Windows file system has more mature OS-level capabilities but lacks SQL Server’s scalability and querying abilities.

Azure Blob storage is better for massive petabyte-scale storage that is publicly accessible. But integration with business logic is not as tight.

BLOB columns store files in the database but require building your own wrapper code. There is no ORM mapping or concurrency handling.

Third-party .NET libraries are lighter weight but often have less database integration. They can carry additional licensing costs as well.


EF File Catalog Download free provides an object-relational mapping for SQL Server FileTables that integrates file storage tightly into Entity Framework. It enables managing files through LINQ queries and DbContext like other data.

Key advantages include avoiding custom code, robust metadata management, concurrency handling, and leveraging SQL Server’s strengths with files.

EF File Catalog Download free excels at searchable file repositories integrated with line-of-business systems. It’s a great choice when incorporating sizeable file support into Entity Framework applications.

// Add new file
var newFile = context.Documents.CreateFile("Financial Projections.xlsx");
newFile.Properties["Tags"] = "Finance";

await context.SaveChangesAsync(); 

For downloading contents, request a FileStreamBackedFile instance:

// Download file contents
var streamFile = context.Documents.GetFileWithStream("Resume.docx");

using(var stream = streamFile.GetFileStream())
  // Download code here

As you can see, EF File Catalog enables seamlessly working with files stored in the database through Entity Framework!

Key Benefits of Using EF File Catalog

There are several notable benefits to using EF File Catalog:

  • No need for custom SQL/code – You work through DbContext instead of hand-coding SQL and file access.
  • LINQ querying – Find files using LINQ alongside other data.
  • Concurrency handling – Optimistic concurrency is built-in.
  • Metadata management – Automatically track file properties, tags, ratings.
  • Familiar EF programming model – Use what you already know about EF.
  • SQL Server integration – Leverage SQL Server’s capabilities like queries.
  • High performance – FileTables provide great scalability.

You get a very robust file storage and access solution without needing to stitch various pieces together.

When to Use EF File Catalog Keygen

Here are some of the top scenarios where EF File Catalog can help:

  • Storing large volumes of files in a SQL Server database
  • Building a document management system
  • Making files searchable through SQL queries
  • Simplifying file storage code compared to using filesystem/blobs

Any application that deals with potentially large files and metadata can benefit. The tight integration with SQL makes it superior for query-intensive systems.

EF File Catalog Keygen is also a good choice when you want to leverage Entity Framework’s strengths while using SQL Server for file tables.

See also:

DivX Pro Keygen 10.9.1 Full Free

Alternatives to EF File Catalog

There are other options for managing files in .NET applications:

  • The Windows file system with custom file access code
  • Azure Blob storage containers
  • Database BLOB columns with custom download/upload logic
  • Third-party .NET file management utilities

The Windows file system has more mature OS-level capabilities but lacks SQL Server’s scalability and querying abilities.

Azure Blob storage is better for massive petabyte-scale storage that is publicly accessible. But integration with business logic is not as tight.

BLOB columns store files in the database but require building your own wrapper code. There is no ORM mapping or concurrency handling.

Third-party .NET libraries are lighter weight but often have less database integration. They can carry additional licensing costs as well.


EF File Catalog Download free provides an object-relational mapping for SQL Server FileTables that integrates file storage tightly into Entity Framework. It enables managing files through LINQ queries and DbContext like other data.

Key advantages include avoiding custom code, robust metadata management, concurrency handling, and leveraging SQL Server’s strengths with files.

EF File Catalog Download free excels at searchable file repositories integrated with line-of-business systems. It’s a great choice when incorporating sizeable file support into Entity Framework applications.

// Query for files under Images
var files = context.Images.Where(f => f.CreatedDate > DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7));

// Get a specific file
var file = context.Documents.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "Resume.docx");

To upload a new file, you instantiate a FileTableFile object:

// Add new file
var newFile = context.Documents.CreateFile("Financial Projections.xlsx");
newFile.Properties["Tags"] = "Finance";

await context.SaveChangesAsync(); 

For downloading contents, request a FileStreamBackedFile instance:

// Download file contents
var streamFile = context.Documents.GetFileWithStream("Resume.docx");

using(var stream = streamFile.GetFileStream())
  // Download code here

As you can see, EF File Catalog enables seamlessly working with files stored in the database through Entity Framework!

Key Benefits of Using EF File Catalog

There are several notable benefits to using EF File Catalog:

  • No need for custom SQL/code – You work through DbContext instead of hand-coding SQL and file access.
  • LINQ querying – Find files using LINQ alongside other data.
  • Concurrency handling – Optimistic concurrency is built-in.
  • Metadata management – Automatically track file properties, tags, ratings.
  • Familiar EF programming model – Use what you already know about EF.
  • SQL Server integration – Leverage SQL Server’s capabilities like queries.
  • High performance – FileTables provide great scalability.

You get a very robust file storage and access solution without needing to stitch various pieces together.

When to Use EF File Catalog Keygen

Here are some of the top scenarios where EF File Catalog can help:

  • Storing large volumes of files in a SQL Server database
  • Building a document management system
  • Making files searchable through SQL queries
  • Simplifying file storage code compared to using filesystem/blobs

Any application that deals with potentially large files and metadata can benefit. The tight integration with SQL makes it superior for query-intensive systems.

EF File Catalog Keygen is also a good choice when you want to leverage Entity Framework’s strengths while using SQL Server for file tables.

See also:

DivX Pro Keygen 10.9.1 Full Free

Alternatives to EF File Catalog

There are other options for managing files in .NET applications:

  • The Windows file system with custom file access code
  • Azure Blob storage containers
  • Database BLOB columns with custom download/upload logic
  • Third-party .NET file management utilities

The Windows file system has more mature OS-level capabilities but lacks SQL Server’s scalability and querying abilities.

Azure Blob storage is better for massive petabyte-scale storage that is publicly accessible. But integration with business logic is not as tight.

BLOB columns store files in the database but require building your own wrapper code. There is no ORM mapping or concurrency handling.

Third-party .NET libraries are lighter weight but often have less database integration. They can carry additional licensing costs as well.


EF File Catalog Download free provides an object-relational mapping for SQL Server FileTables that integrates file storage tightly into Entity Framework. It enables managing files through LINQ queries and DbContext like other data.

Key advantages include avoiding custom code, robust metadata management, concurrency handling, and leveraging SQL Server’s strengths with files.

EF File Catalog Download free excels at searchable file repositories integrated with line-of-business systems. It’s a great choice when incorporating sizeable file support into Entity Framework applications.

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

This registers the “Documents” and “Images” tables from the database as file storage tables accessible through the context.

Now you can query these tables through the DbSet properties:

// Query for files under Images
var files = context.Images.Where(f => f.CreatedDate > DateTime.Today.AddDays(-7));

// Get a specific file
var file = context.Documents.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == "Resume.docx");

To upload a new file, you instantiate a FileTableFile object:

// Add new file
var newFile = context.Documents.CreateFile("Financial Projections.xlsx");
newFile.Properties["Tags"] = "Finance";

await context.SaveChangesAsync(); 

For downloading contents, request a FileStreamBackedFile instance:

// Download file contents
var streamFile = context.Documents.GetFileWithStream("Resume.docx");

using(var stream = streamFile.GetFileStream())
  // Download code here

As you can see, EF File Catalog enables seamlessly working with files stored in the database through Entity Framework!

Key Benefits of Using EF File Catalog

There are several notable benefits to using EF File Catalog:

  • No need for custom SQL/code – You work through DbContext instead of hand-coding SQL and file access.
  • LINQ querying – Find files using LINQ alongside other data.
  • Concurrency handling – Optimistic concurrency is built-in.
  • Metadata management – Automatically track file properties, tags, ratings.
  • Familiar EF programming model – Use what you already know about EF.
  • SQL Server integration – Leverage SQL Server’s capabilities like queries.
  • High performance – FileTables provide great scalability.

You get a very robust file storage and access solution without needing to stitch various pieces together.

When to Use EF File Catalog Keygen

Here are some of the top scenarios where EF File Catalog can help:

  • Storing large volumes of files in a SQL Server database
  • Building a document management system
  • Making files searchable through SQL queries
  • Simplifying file storage code compared to using filesystem/blobs

Any application that deals with potentially large files and metadata can benefit. The tight integration with SQL makes it superior for query-intensive systems.

EF File Catalog Keygen is also a good choice when you want to leverage Entity Framework’s strengths while using SQL Server for file tables.

See also:

DivX Pro Keygen 10.9.1 Full Free

Alternatives to EF File Catalog

There are other options for managing files in .NET applications:

  • The Windows file system with custom file access code
  • Azure Blob storage containers
  • Database BLOB columns with custom download/upload logic
  • Third-party .NET file management utilities

The Windows file system has more mature OS-level capabilities but lacks SQL Server’s scalability and querying abilities.

Azure Blob storage is better for massive petabyte-scale storage that is publicly accessible. But integration with business logic is not as tight.

BLOB columns store files in the database but require building your own wrapper code. There is no ORM mapping or concurrency handling.

Third-party .NET libraries are lighter weight but often have less database integration. They can carry additional licensing costs as well.


EF File Catalog Download free provides an object-relational mapping for SQL Server FileTables that integrates file storage tightly into Entity Framework. It enables managing files through LINQ queries and DbContext like other data.

Key advantages include avoiding custom code, robust metadata management, concurrency handling, and leveraging SQL Server’s strengths with files.

EF File Catalog Download free excels at searchable file repositories integrated with line-of-business systems. It’s a great choice when incorporating sizeable file support into Entity Framework applications.


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  93. Marissa Hunt

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  97. Carl Henderson

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  106. Marisa Jones

    The speed is so much faster compared to the original.

  107. Amanda Duncan

    This tool is definitely amazing.

  108. Robert Hamilton

    The speed is so much better compared to the original.

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